Wednesday 18 March 2009

Butt ache

Having not blogged since the original two whole months ago, I thought I would share a new obsession and possibly tmi. So in my department, I have two friends who are dedicated Roller Derbyers, who should always be referred to by their RD names: Toxic Pink Stuff and Bruisin' Banshee. TPS is so obsessed with RD that she is also basing her PhD on the phenomenon (sport seems such a limited word for the amazingness of RD).

Now obviously for obsessed peeps, they were keen to share the joy and preached, cajoled and bullied their way into promises to join from a number of the women in the department. This Sunday, I succumbed and ventured out to training. I had no idea what I was letting myself in for. Bear in mind that I have not been on roller skates for at least 24 years (which TPS helpfully reminded me is her age - grrr!) and you will have some idea of how daunting a prospect it is to walk into a large hall with about 20 women hurtling round at speed. They were all very friendly, although their gum-shield smiles were perhaps not quite as reassuring as on might have hoped.

So I strapped myself in to the helmet, wrist pads, elbow pads, knee pads and rented skates and gingerly rolled out onto the floor. and you know what? I wasn't that bad. I couldn't keep up with everyone else, of course, but I was skating fairly passably. Nuclear Miss-ile was assigned to teach me how to skate safely and more importantly, how to fall safely, whilst everyone else practised their blocking. I learned a one knee fall, sucked at the two knee fall, rocked the baseball slide, and gradually got the hang of a decent plough.

My confidence was growing, my speed was picking up and I think it's fair to say I was starting to feel a little cocky. Which of course was the point at which I misjudge my balance, my feet flew up in front of me and I landed unceremoniously on my coccyx. now I thought I had more than enough padding on my butt to take care of such a fall, but oh my sweet ***********, I could never have enough padding to deal with that fall. You know how when you injure yourself and the world swims away, you feel sick, want to cry, and snap at anyone who talks to you? Just that deep shock and adrenalie dump before the pain finally sets in. So sorry to NM and Rosewhip if I was in the least bit rude, but oi! the shock and pain.

Luckily BB was driving us home and I was able to lean gingerly across the backseat of the car with my poor bruised tush carefully protected. I woke up the next morning with the tenderest b-hind, whiplash and incredibly sore thighs. And you know what? I can't wait to go back. I don't care that I am still incredibly bruised. I want to be as confident and competent as the women on this Roller Derby team. I want to lose some of that fear of falling. I want to be fearsome and fearless. I want the adrenaline and the knowledge that the bruises I have have been well earned.

Roll on Sunday.... :)

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