Friday 23 April 2010

So close and yet so far

Don't you jsut hate it when people that you otherwise have a lot of hope for get something so right and yet so very wrong at the same time?

My case in point for today is Nick Clegg and one particular statement from his otherwise respectable performance in last night's debate. To wit, his accusation that David Cameron is working with 'nutters, anti-Semites, people who deny climate change exists, homophobes' in Europe. It made my heart glad to hear Cameron called out over his alliances with homophobic bigots (amongst the many other questionable, if not outright disgusting alliances), but did Clegg really have to use the word 'nutter' like that? Could he not have found another word rather than thoughtlessly (hopefully) using words that people with mental health problems are punished with every day? Did he intend to conflate people with mental health problems with these unpleasant groups?

According to Beatrice Bray writing in the Guardian's Comment is Free, 'All three [party leaders] have signed a compact, drafted by the all-party parliamentary mental health group on the use of language', specifically about the thoughtless, inaccurate and pejorative use of language related to mental health.

Perhaps Nick Clegg should go back and review his copy.

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