Wednesday 7 July 2010

Conference week, day 3

Wow, it's been an amazing couple of days. Let me see...

The rest of the conference on Monday in Brighton was fab. There were some really interesting papers, some lovely new people met and hopefully the chance to create some interesting new opportunities. I got the chance to promote the feminist cultural activism carnival and met a few people who I've followed online. I left the university of Sussex campus feeling so energised and happy. The organisers must be commended for putting together a fantastic event. All in all a great day.

Which was good, because the next day was PAINFUL. I elected to travel to San diego the day before presenting at the current conference because of monday's event. So yesterday started at 4:20 in order to get my 8:30 flight to Toronto. Yep, that's right, I flew to San Diego via Toronto. I then should have had another connection in Chicago before finally reaching San Diego. Not what happened. The first flight was 40 mins late leaving heathrow and so despite running through Toronto airport, there was no way in hell I was ever going to make that connection, since I had to collect my bag, then go through US border preclearance then recheck my bag, and then head for the gate. And apparently I am a bit risky according to the US customs people. I have no idea why, but the pissiest guard ever seemed particularly worried about the fact that I was carrying 4 - count 'em, 4 - books. They got more scrutiny than anything else in my bag. Not my external hard-drive which could have been a fake, or my many meds, no, the books were apparently the most worrisome thing I could be carrying. By this point I was already so tired I wanted to cry. And then the bitch had the audacity to bend the cornerbof one of my books as she shoved it back into my bag. I have killed people for less.

So 25 hours after I started my journey, I got to my hotel room, which is seriously plush. Pictures will follow when I get home to a better Internet connection. The bed was bliss - until the train went past at 2am and the train driver thought it would be cute to toot his horn 10 fricking times. Seriously, W T F!!

Anyway, I need to wrap this up now, so I'll just say for now that I gave my paper this morning and it went well. To time, well received, and plenty of great questions. Met the lovely Ashley,my fellow panellist along w Ann, my academic supervisor. Had some fab conversations about subjectivity and the reality of cultural activism via blog. Think I can congratulate myself on a job well-done.

Right, got to go now to call my honey before she goes to bed. Hope you all having a good day, folks.

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